Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eva turned out to be a rooster!

We took Eva to a nearby farm, the neighbor didn't like to hear her crow in the mornings. So we gave it away. They had lots of chickens, a goat, and cats, I hope she'll be happy there.

That same day we went to a chicken farm and picked out a new one for Miles. It is all white, so we named her snowball. She always goes in the opposite part of the chicken coop or the yard as the other chickens because she is afraid of them. I hope they all become friends. Here Miles is holding snowball but he dropped her and it looks like she's going in the food down the slide on Miles' arm. Ha ha ha!

We try and hold her alot so she will get tame like the others. The lady we bought her from said she would start laying in August.

1 comment:

Laura Law said...

Eva sure is one big rooster. We hope she went to a nice farm. You have a really great henhouse for your chickens. Did your mom or dad build it? Did you help?