"Why do you say that?" said my mom.
Here is the story:
A long time ago I was about to sneak something. Then God made me so I didn't do it. He did it by talking to my mind. I'm glad that that happened. I think it was cool.
I also asked my mom how I was supposed to be like Jesus. I got really sad and started to cry. I explained to my mom that I was upset because I was afraid to die on the cross like He did. Now I know that only one man did that. There is one Savior for us all. I can't wait to see what people do in heaven.
Here are some pictures of me writing 10 times, "I will treat Miles kindly"
Tyson, it looks like you were sitting there writing how you will treat Miles for a long time.
I love you buddy.
I wrote that last comment.
I am proud of you.
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