Monday, November 24, 2008

I can't sleep

I can't sleep. I keep itching all over my body.

 Grandpa is here at our house to take the jet skis home. Too bad that they are leaving, Miles and I love, love love love love to play on them. We pretend that we are on the water and that we are crashing into house boats, and other jet skis too. This is like the second time Grandpa has been to our house. I've been to his house a lot. Sometimes when I can't sleep I ask Miles what he does when can't sleep. He says different things, but mostly he doesn't say anything because he can't hear me. He falls asleep after one second. Miles is funny. I'm funny too. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Guess what I saw?

One day my family and I were at the church. Mom and Dad told me to go get something that was left in the car. I stayed in the car for a while, then when I was done I came out and went into the church. I started looking for my family and I went in to the Relief Society room and saw a dead woman in a box. Other people were in there and they said, "Hello". I said "Hello" back. The box was brown with a yellow stripe in the middle. I got up on my tippy toes and I peeked into the box. She had white skin and was very very very old. Older than Grandma Hicks. Her eyes were shut, but I didn't touch her. She had a pillow under her head so she was like this. I knew she was dead because she was closing her eyes. What would happen if I peeled up her eyes like this? Her hair was gray, and her skin was white and thin and wrinkly. You could even see through it. When I saw the dead woman I felt the Holy Ghost. I felt sad, too. Then I left and found my mom. I didn't tell anyone for about four weeks! When we die, our spirit comes out of our bodies and it goes up to Heavenly Father. Our bodies just lay on the ground. When people see that you're dead, they put you in a box and call everyone. They have a party, then they put you in a box, then in the ground. A headstone goes over the body. I'm not afraid to see dead people, are you? The end.

Welcome to my blog

Hello! This is my blog. I hope you like it. This is Tyson's blog. I'm going to write some funny things that I've done, and some of my experiences. I am six years old and am the oldest kid in my family. I have one brother and two sisters. I like to play games with my mom, I love my mom, and I like to play with my dad. Learning is my favorite activity. Lately we have been doing experiments, me and my dad, like learning about salt and how it dissolves in water. I'm going to be putting stories and pictures in my blog, so if you ever want to send me a message you can.