Tyson's Blog
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Fun with cups
Some times we play with cups and try to make the biggest tower. It's really fun to build and crash it down by throwing other cups at the tower. We like to put 10 cups on the bottom and build it up from there, then call it "Hotel 100".
Blue and Gold Banquet
Last week there was the blue and gold banquet for scouts. Some of the bears did a skit, and it was really funny. I'm a wolf and close to getting my fourth bead. My Dad works with me and we do stuff together. Scouts is really fun and I like having a connection with my dad.
After the desert at the banquet they had Scales and Tales come for the activity. He was really funny and I got to sit in front. My favorite part was when he brought out a huge snake named "Peaches" that we all got to hold. It felt scaly and a little disgusting. He also brought other snakes and a tortoise that we got to hold too. It was a great night.

After the desert at the banquet they had Scales and Tales come for the activity. He was really funny and I got to sit in front. My favorite part was when he brought out a huge snake named "Peaches" that we all got to hold. It felt scaly and a little disgusting. He also brought other snakes and a tortoise that we got to hold too. It was a great night.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas is coming!
I had a Christmas program at my school. We mostly just sang for all the parents and grandparents, like 100 people. My favorite song was "Felice Navidad".
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Today is the worst day of my life. Guess what happened? Someone died. Guess who it is? Peep. It was sad burying her. My mom helped me bury her behind the fence by our house. We put a stick by where Peep was buried and I hope we can remember her because I love her. Me and my mom when we were done burying her, we cried because it was sad to bury Peep. I said I loved her and I know that she is in heaven and I know that I can see her again.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Eva turned out to be a rooster!
We took Eva to a nearby farm, the neighbor didn't like to hear her crow in the mornings. So we gave it away. They had lots of chickens, a goat, and cats, I hope she'll be happy there.

That same day we went to a chicken farm and picked out a new one for Miles. It is all white, so we named her snowball. She always goes in the opposite part of the chicken coop or the yard as the other chickens because she is afraid of them. I hope they all become friends.
Here Miles is holding snowball but he dropped her and it looks like she's going in the food down the slide on Miles' arm. Ha ha ha!

We try and hold her alot so she will get tame like the others. The lady we bought her from said she would start laying in August.
That same day we went to a chicken farm and picked out a new one for Miles. It is all white, so we named her snowball. She always goes in the opposite part of the chicken coop or the yard as the other chickens because she is afraid of them. I hope they all become friends.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Our pets
We got these chickens for Easter as chicks, they were really cute! Their names were:
Buff Orpington - Eva, or, Big Fat Eva, or Big Foot as we began to call her when she turned out to be the biggest and the fattest, and has HUGE legs and feet! This one is Miles'
Rhode Island Red - Peep, she is Tyson's
PLymouth - Wally is Brielle's, but Miles got to name it.
Silver Lace Wyndotte - Birdie is Kayla's
Easter Egg - Kaiya, or, Puffy Cheeks because now that she is bigger she has lots of feathers on her cheeks making them look puffy! This one my mom picked out.
They love to run around in our backyard and eat grass, bugs, and sometimes our garden. Sometimes they argue about the worms. Once Eva and Wally were arguing about a worm and Eva got it because she pulled harder than Wally. Sometimes the worms break in half!

Right here Kayla is holding Puffy Cheeks.
Now here I am holding Puffy Cheeks, before her cheeks got puffy.
When they were really tiny and little we kept them in our house in a big tupperware. They eat chickie food, and will until they start laying eggs.
They loved to perch on this piece of wood. This picture they are all asleep. Sometimes when they were little and they were all on the perch they would rock themselves.

This is before we had Kaiya. We bought her a week later than the others.
The yellow one is Big Fat Eva, the orange one is Peep, the black and white one is Birdie, and the black one is Wally.
Big Fat Eva might be a rooster. We think so because we heard her crow, the waddle and the comb are really big, her tail feathers are big, and she chases my mom all around the yard and she pecks my mom when she's just trying to be nice. Eva has only pecked me once, and has never pecked Miles or the girls.

This is my Peep. My chickie Peep. I touched Peeps eye, the other day, because I wanted to know what it felt like. And then the next day Peeps eye was closed. She didn't open it for almost two weeks. We were worried she would be blind, but she opened it and she was okay.
I love Peep because of the name and she's puffy. I named her Peep because when she was small she peeped a lot. I never want to eat our chickies.
Buff Orpington - Eva, or, Big Fat Eva, or Big Foot as we began to call her when she turned out to be the biggest and the fattest, and has HUGE legs and feet! This one is Miles'
Rhode Island Red - Peep, she is Tyson's
PLymouth - Wally is Brielle's, but Miles got to name it.
Silver Lace Wyndotte - Birdie is Kayla's
Easter Egg - Kaiya, or, Puffy Cheeks because now that she is bigger she has lots of feathers on her cheeks making them look puffy! This one my mom picked out.
They love to run around in our backyard and eat grass, bugs, and sometimes our garden. Sometimes they argue about the worms. Once Eva and Wally were arguing about a worm and Eva got it because she pulled harder than Wally. Sometimes the worms break in half!
Right here Kayla is holding Puffy Cheeks.
The yellow one is Big Fat Eva, the orange one is Peep, the black and white one is Birdie, and the black one is Wally.
This is my Peep. My chickie Peep. I touched Peeps eye, the other day, because I wanted to know what it felt like. And then the next day Peeps eye was closed. She didn't open it for almost two weeks. We were worried she would be blind, but she opened it and she was okay.
I love Peep because of the name and she's puffy. I named her Peep because when she was small she peeped a lot. I never want to eat our chickies.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Talent Show
Only two more days of school left. Today was camping day and the talent show. Camping day is when you make tents out of your desk and read underneath. My mom got some books from the library that I could read and I had great time. They had smores but they were soooo messy. So messy that I spilled two times on the carpet. I only got to read one and a half books: "The Bear Detectives" and something else.
The talent show was fun. I played two songs on the piano: Star Quest and Dakota Melody. I felt a little shy, but it was still fun. Lots of people did Karate, but I like playing the piano it's fun.
The talent show was fun. I played two songs on the piano: Star Quest and Dakota Melody. I felt a little shy, but it was still fun. Lots of people did Karate, but I like playing the piano it's fun.
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